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“For I have always been a seeker, a dreamer, and a ponderer on seeking and dreaming...”
- H.P. Lovecraft
Welcome to the Bizarre Tales site


Bizarre Tales is the colophon under which I publish stories, paintings, and the occasional poem.  I hope you enjoy exploring the site. 


Information on stories can be found on the Stories and Coming Next pages.  Paintings are on the Fantasy Art page and there's usually a Poem on the homepage.   



News & Items of Note
In this section one may find a few of the things in which I become involved that might be of interest, plus any worthy Bizarre Tales news. 

February 2025  Gauntlets of Mars: A Novel of Barsoom  Pre-Order is LIVE!




In the novel Dark Tides of Mars, author Chris L Adams transported readers back in time to Barsoom’s glory days, before the oceans evaporated and its proud peoples were forced to construct an atmosphere factory to keep themselves alive on a dying world. Now, learn why Barsoom was fated to face such an ecological apocalypse in this thrilling sequel, Gauntlets of Mars: A Novel of Barsoom, the newest volume in the Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs series!


Available in paperback, hardcover, and a Collector's edition.

To preorder your copy, click HERE


Expected to begin shipping this summer. And thanks so much for your support.

Gauntlers of Mars cover

March 2025  Bizarre Tales now available in hardback!


Many folks I know prefer hardbacks to eBooks or paperbacks, so I made it a goal to convert my listings to hardback, and have completed four to-date.  Next up: The Despair series.


To get your favorite Bizarre Tale in a beautiful, glossy hardcover edition, click HERE


And thanks so much for your support.

Bizarre Tales first hardbacks

November 2023  Latest news from ERB Inc!


Dark Tides of Mars is officially available as a Kindle eBook from Amazon!


If you don't wish to wait for a physical book to begin reading Dark Tides of Mars, you no longer have to!  As of Nov 18, 2023, the eBook digital version is available for instant purchase and download.


To order your Kindle version, click HERE


And thanks so much for your support.

Dark Tides of Mars Kindle Book

November 2023  Latest news from ERB Inc!


Piles of copies of Dark Tides of Mars are sitting in the ERB Inc  warehouse, in preparation for SHIPPING!


If you have been waiting for the books to become a physical reality, you don't have to wait any longer. 


Order direct from ERB Inc HERE, or take advantage of your Prime Membership on Amazon!


And thanks so much for your support.

Piles of Dark Tides of Mars!

October 2023  Latest news from ERB Inc!

Dark Tides of Mars Amazon  Pre-Order now LIVE!


Take advantage of your Prime Membership to save on shipping!


Click HERE to jump to the Amazon page. 


And thanks so much for your support.

Dark Tides of Mars Amazon Announcement

August 1, 2023  Dark Tides of Mars  Pre-Order is LIVE!


Pre-order Dark Tides of Mars NOW from Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.  The books are expected to begin shipping in Fall 2023.


Click HERE to jump to the pre-order page. 


The book is available in paperback, hardback, and a Collector's edition.  If you want a Collector's edition, please don't wait as there are only 200 available.  Once these are gone they will never again be available except on the used book market.   


All preorders of the hardcover Collector’s Edition of Dark Tides of Mars placed directly from ERB, Inc.’s online store will come with an exclusive collectible trading card featuring the book’s cover art by Douglas Klauba.


From the ERB Inc site:


By Chris L Adams
Cover art by Douglas Klauba
Interior illustrations by Douglas Klauba


Barsoom is dying, its atmosphere thinning with each passing year, the seas that once flourished upon its surface dried up eons ago. When warrior-scientist Dat Voga is asked to become Helium’s ambassador to distant cities that may provide a desperate chance at life for the people of Barsoom, he leaps at the opportunity. But even as this new hope dangles on a thread, a madman seeks to hasten the Red Planet’s doom—and Dat Voga is hurled headlong upon an odyssey across the chasm of Time itself!


Thanks for your support.



Dark Tides of Mars ~ Cover art by Douglas Klouba

April 2023  A Savage from Atlantis  Pre-Order LIVE!


Pre-order A Savage from Atlantis until April 28, 2023 for only $0.99!


Click HERE to jump to the Amazon page. After April 28, the pre-order incentive price increases to $2.99. 


And thanks so much for your support.



A Savage From Atlantis

 Bizarre Tales is now on Facebook 


So Bizarre Tales is a one man show.  There is no team updating the BT website, so sometimes it goes awhile between updates.  Sometimes quite a while.


However, I am a bit more active on Facebook.  If you are, too, shoot me a friend request at ChrisLAdams BizarreTales.  But please, only if you are interested in discussing authors we love or Bizarre Tales titles.  I don't need any snake oil salesmen. 


I'm also active in several Facebook groups, such as For the Love of All Things Edgar Rice Burroughs, The A. Merritt Fan Group, The HPLHS Group, ERBzine by Bill Hillman (Bill's website is a most excellent ERB resource), and others.  If you enjoy discussing authors and book collecting, come check out some of these groups.  


Look for this Bizarre Tales Banner, and the guy in the helmet holding a Viking sword.  If you spot those elements, you're in the right place!

Poem of the Day/Week/Whenever


The Last Atlantean

From far Lemuria he trod the waste,

of a sunken land long gone-


Warrior born, he held his own,

but felt he would die, anon-


All that was, and ever would be,

had gone beneath the waves-


And so he stood, alone, unarmed,

the last of a mighty race-


He trod the world and the seven seas,

crossed the Alps and rode the sky-


He challenged the gods with dire intent,

shouting, Why didn’t you let me die?


A decade slowly slipped into the past,

since spires kissed the sky and he was the last-


He remembered it now as it used to be-

O sweet, shining city, rolling down to the sea!


The white-paved streets, the hawkers’ cry,

the wines of the nobles, the tropic, blue sky-


Beautiful women and damask-scented ponds,

the shining palace—its warriors all gold and bronze-


Memories these were that caused to lag,

the warrior crossing the highest crag-


So there he was, powerless to but obey-

for what is man, when gods wish their way?


And taking last look at sun, sky and quay,

he leapt from the ledge, joining his brothers beneath the waves


Thus long ago was the Atlantean race,

taken from the world, vanished, without a trace…

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